Welcome to my blog! This is the first post by yours truly: Kevin.

Hey and welcome to my Blog. If you don’t already know I’m Kevin. I consider myself a creator that lives in the West end of Toronto. It’s usual for me to craft something within my head then I try to implement it much to little success of translation. But sometimes I come out with a half decent piece of content! I hope this Blog will be one of those decent pieces of content. I produce different forms of content such as YouTube videos, Podcasts and music. Some of that content I create I post to my YouTube channel or to an audio platform like Apple podcast, Google podcasts and Spotify. So the big question for this blog is why did I make it?

First off I want to use this space as a headquarters or library of my content so that whoever comes across it can explore all I’ve created. Somewhere where people can expect to find out what I’m up to and i can organize my creative projects. Like I’ve said i’m also the kind of person that is continually coming up with ideas, some of which are decent and the rest complete nonsense. But to help explore some of those good ideas I have I’d like to post about them and maybe make some more content out of them or just have a great conversation.

Whenever I discuss a new idea or topic I like to get passionate about it, otherwise there’s no point in discussing it! I hope to cover a multitude of topics and subjects in this blog that peak my interests. Again to be brutally honest this Blog will most likely become an outlet on my perspective of what is going on in the world today. Our world is changing at an alarming rate through globalization, technological advances and social movements. Some of it will be advantageous to communities and others will hinder it. I hope my perspective might provide a little change to the voices out there.

Everyone is shaped by their world view and me and my blog are no different. I am the collective combination of two cultures. I have European influence from my father’s side of the family while I have Latin American influence from my mother. I would consider myself a Latin gen X based off my upbringing but see myself always as 100% Canadian. In college I studied Civil Engineering technology so I appreciate the design of intricate infrastructure. As I embarked in this field of study my main desire was to design solutions for the public to utilize in everyday life to help make others lives better through my creation. My curriculum consisted of environmental designs which shifted my perspective on how to we can innovatively build substantially and the need to address the climate crisis.

It was also during my college experience that I developed two free time passions; the first being basketball and the second being video creation. With some of these blogs I would like to explore the avenue of the NBA and there might include some mentions of my favorite team the Toronto Raptors. We could look at stats by players, controversies that plague the league and observe big trade deals teams will be making for their desired players. But I’ll remind you again that it wasn’t only basketball that I developed a passion for but video creation also. The media sharing app YouTube has always intrigued me with it’s culture and process. As far back as high school I’ve always been a faithful viewer and subscriber of channels such as Corridor Digital, Freddie W(now RocketJump) and Colleghumor. Channels with as their goals on creating better content to improve their craft and the quality of the platform. And in my more recent years now Casey Neistat who I couldn’t understand how he developed such notoriety. Turns out it was my slight distaste and curiosity for him sent me down a path of viewing all of his daily Vlog videos… So now I have a real admiration for new formats videos and film is shot .

Lifestyle will also be a vital part of this blog. I’m fascinated in the different ways people live their lives and have begun experimenting with my very own as well. I’ve always tried to be environmental conscious since elementary school where I was taught those habits. In college I tried veganism for a full year which impacted my diet today which is pescatarian. And now I’ve been captivated by the minimalist lifestyle. The idea that we can be more mindful with the possessions we have. Instead on focusing on acquiring more things we look to how we can invest into our personal relationships and our health, valuing things that truly matter.

Values usually go hand in hand with a lot of these aspects of my life so I’d like to be transparent of where I come from on that regard. I am a Christian. I wasn’t always, my parent raised me in a Christian household but I rebelled when I was in high school. During that rebellion in high school I believed that there was no God and that science and atheism would keep me fulfilled. I wasn’t. I developed a deep state of depression because of my lack of purpose and the loneliness I felt. I feel like my mind when to some very dark places within that period of my life. It was one summer that my parents suggested i go to a Christian camp. There I was able to see in the lives of my peers the way Christ truly changes your life and I was able to understand my fallen nature. I gave my life to Christ that teenage summer and he has been leading my life ever since.

I hope now you have a glimpse of the type of person that I am. If you have made it this far I applaud you and hope you follow my on this journey through the blog or you can catch me on my creative platforms or social media platforms! Here are some other places you can find me:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnL5CMIVMLU7-sQ1N0x6xxw?view_as=subscriber
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ball-is-life/id1462577536?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy9iMDlmNGVjL3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ynIVynfHXyYIg5ArmmB0g
Instagram: kevin_hobe
Twitter: @kevin_hobe

Collaborations are welcomed and can be reached on my business email: westsideviceshow@gmail.com

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